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Best ways to deal with a high energy dog.
I found this article to be very useful since many of us have a really energetic dog, that requires more time outdoors and a more active life.
Having a high-energy dog can detract from the time spent with your pet, but more often than not, our companions’ excess energy is due to a lack of stimulation.
While some dogs are happy lazing on the couch all day, many breeds were designed as working animals. It’s no wonder, then, that so many pet owners experience problems with high-energy dogs.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to ensure Fido gets the mental, physical and social stimulation he needs to stay cool and collected. Here are a few tips for handling your high-energy pet:
1. Engage in play: This may seem like a no-brainer, but many owners don’t consider their dogs’ exercise requirements compared to the amount of physical activity their pets get day to day. If your dog can’t sit still, it’s likely he needs to spend more time burning energy running and playing.
Engage in games like fetch or tug-of-war to help keep your dog calm back at home while actively bonding with your pet over some
of his favorite activities.
2. Exercise his brain: Many dogs were bred as working animals, so giving your pet a task to complete not only exercises his body and brain but also boosts his sense of confidence. Nosework teaches dogs to sniff out a particular smell, giving them a task to complete that keeps them both mentally and physically active.

My name is Adrienne Farricelli, I'm a professional CPDT-KA certified dog trainer, and for the last 10 years I’ve been helping people to eliminate bad behaviors in dogs and train well behaved, obedient, loving pets…by showing them how to bring out the ‘hidden intelligence’ inside their dog.
Click on the picture above and start training your dog the way your dog deserves.
Even practicing simple tricks can engage your pet and lead to a calmer companion. For more intense mind body workouts, try competitive sports such as dock diving, herding, field trials, and agility training. All of these will help strengthen your bond with your pet, too.
3. Teach good manners: Energetic dogs tend to jump up on their owners and bark excessively, detracting from the time spent with your pet. Teaching your dog good manners is another form of training that will engage his mind while teaching him to impulse control. Next time you put on his leash for a walk, fill the food bowl, or throw his favorite toy, ask your dog to sit first. Once he’s sitting calmly, reward him immediately with the desired object. Soon, your pet will learn that good manners and calm behavior are the best ways to get what he wants.
4. Go for a walk: One of the simplest ways to wear out an energetic pet is to ensure he’s getting plenty of daily exercises. Breeds that are high-energy may try to chase other animals, so keep Fido on a leash and, when possible, walk in quiet areas. Dogs make for fast runners, so always keep your companion on a leash to prevent accidents or losing your pet.
With a few lifestyle modifications, you can help ensure
your spirited companion is getting the stimulation he needs to be happy, healthy and calm. If you’ve tried these techniques or if your dog undergoes a rapid change in behavior, however, his excessive energy may be due to an underlying medical condition and you should seek your veterinarian’s advice.
(This article was written by Ben for Petbucket)
The Do’s and Don’ts of Hiking with Pet.
By following a few simply tips, you can make the most of hiking with your companion while being good trail ambassadors for all four-legged friends.
Every pet owner loves bringing Fido along on adventures and dogs can make excellent hiking companions, regardless of their size. Before you hit the trail with your pet, however, there are a few things you need to consider.
Just as you choose trails that match your fitness level and abilities, you should also consider Fido’s physical fitness before hitting the trail. Hiking is more strenuous than walking and often involves uneven terrain and vertical climbs.
Take into account your dog’s normal level of activity when planning a hike. If a typical walk is less than a mile, for example, an 8-mile climb should be out of the question. Be sure to check the weather the day of the hike, too, because no matter how fit you and your companion are, a hot, humid day can wreak havoc on your health. You should also note any health issues, such as hip dysplasia or arthritis, that may affect your dog’s ability to enjoy a hike.

While it’s obvious why senior pets may not be up to the climb, it’s important to remember that puppies’ bodies are still developing and may not be suited for hiking on
uneven terrain, either.
After considering your pet’s fitness, it’s equally important to take note of his obedience and behavior when planning a hike. You’ll be sharing the trail with other people and animals, so it’s important to bring only well-socialized pets on popular routes. Hiking companions should also be experts at sit, stay, heel and come and feel comfortable walking both on- and off-leash. Aggressive or timid pets will not be good at sharing the trail, so it’s best to work on socializing these dogs before taking them hiking. On the trail, you and your pet will be ambassadors for other hiking dogs, so always practice good etiquette by giving dog-free hikers the right of way and maintaining control of your pet. If you encounter a loose dog on the trail, put your own pet on a leash to avoid any potential confrontations. And remember: Always pick up after your pet both on and off the trail.
Ensure your companion stays safe by choosing hiking routes without exceptionally steep climbs or ladders. Do your best to stop your pet from drinking standing water by packing his own water and dish. Especially on longer treks, plan on bringing plenty of fresh water and food for both you and your pet. You should consider buying a doggy “backpack” so your pet can carry his own supplies, making him feel useful and taking some of the burden off of your own back. Make sure your dog is up-to-date on vaccinations and has been
adequately treated for fleas, ticks and heartworms before visiting your favorite hiking spot.
With some planning, you and your four-legged friend can enjoy hiking together. It’s important to choose routes based on both of your fitness levels, maintain control of your pet at all times, and follow the “leave no trace” rule when it comes to picking up after your pet. By adhering to these simply guidelines, you can make hiking the best experience for you and your pet and act as positive ambassadors for other four-legged friends on the trail.
(written by yunus for Petbucket)
Heat Stroke and Your Dog.
I am writing this article to bring up an issue that I feel is so important at this time of the year.
You have probably heard that any dog is at risk for heat stroke when they are exposed in the hot temperatures of summer. Luckily, you can take steps to prevent heat stroke and keep your dog safe and healthy.
Heat stroke is a medical condition that is caused by an elevation in body temperature called hyperthermia. This body temperature increase tends to occur as a response to a trigger like inflammation in the body or a hot environment. This is pretty much the same for humans as well as animals. When a dog is exposed to high temperatures, heat stroke or heat exhaustion can result. Heat stroke is a very serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Once the signs of heat stroke are detected, there is precious little time before serious damage or even death can occur.
Unlike humans, dogs do not sweat through their skin; they sweat small amounts through their foot pads and nose, but this is not enough to release excessive body heat. Dogs primarily release heat by panting, a method that exchanges hot and cool air. This clearly is not a very effective or efficient process, especially when the body temperature is very high.
If a dog cannot expel heat, the internal body temperature begins to rise. Damage to the body's cellular system and organs may become irreversible once the dog's temperature reaches 106°F. Unfortunately, too many dogs succumb to heat stroke when it could have been avoided.
It is paramount to be able to recognize the signs of heat stroke so you have a chance to prevent it from happening to your dog.
Dog food secrets, is an awesome book
explaining in plain terms not only what is good for your dog to eat but also what foods you should avoid in order to have a healthy dog. I tried a couple of the recipes and my little black lab loves them.

Major signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs
Increased rectal temperature (over 104° requires action, over 106° is a dire emergency)
Vigorous panting
Dizziness or disorientation
Dark red gums
Tacky or dry mucous membranes (specifically the gums)
Thick saliva
Lying down and unwilling (or unable) to get up
Collapse and/or loss of consciousness

What you should do if you suspect heat stroke.
First of all, keep in mind the one thing that can make the process of helping out your dog, is to have a calm and obedient dog, that brings the need of proper dog training, so the dog will behave the way you want at these critical moments.
If you have even the slightest suspicion that your dog is suffering from heat stroke, you must take action. First contact your vet for advice about the steps you need to take, or if possible head straight to the nearest open veterinary hospital while attempting cooling methods. If you have assistance by another person, keep on cooling the dog while another calls the vet for help. Here are some steps to carefully lower your dog's body temperature.
First, move your dog out of the heat and into a cool, shady area that is well-ventilated.
Offer your dog cool water, NOT COLD WATER, but do not force water into your dog's mouth. Try not to let your dog drink excessive amounts at a time.
Begin cooling your dog's body temperature using cool water. You may place wet rags or washcloths on the foot pads, around the head, on the abdomen, and in the armpits.
Replace the cool towels frequently as they warm up. Avoid fully covering the body with wet towels as it may trap in heat. You can use a fan to help provide cool air.
DO NOT use ice or ice water. The reason is that extreme cold can cause blood vessels to constrict, preventing the body's core from cooling and actually causing the internal temperature to rise further. Over-cooling can also cause hypothermia (low body temperature) leading to a host of new problems. When the body temperature reaches 103.9°F, stop cooling.
At this point, your dog's body should continue cooling on its own.
Keep in mind that even if your dog seems better, there may be Internal damage not obvious to the naked eye, so an examination by your vet is necessary. Even further testing may be recommended to assess damage.
In order to avoid all this hardship for you and your dog, which can lead to a tragedy, it is obviously best to do whatever it takes to avoid exposing your friend to such a life-threatening condition. So let’s all keep a few pointers in mind, starting with the most obvious of all.
NEVER EVER leave your dog alone in the car on a warm day, (let alone on a hot summer day), even if the windows are wide open. The inside of the car acts like an oven in the sun and heat. The temperature inside can rise to dangerously high levels in a matter of minutes, even if the weather outside is not extremely hot.
Avoid long or strenuous play or exercise on warm days. When outside, try to find shady areas.
3. Keep fresh cool water available at all times.
4. Always carry a thermometer with you. It is a small item that can be of great help to you or a nearby pet owner.
Keep in mind that certain types of dogs are more sensitive to heat, especially obese dogs and short-nosed breeds, like Pugs and Bulldogs. Use extreme caution when these dogs are exposed to heat.
It is summertime and you are coming back from the lake. Your dog just spent a few hours playing in the water and then out on the dirt or sand for some play. Now your four legged friend is covered in wet dirt and about to get back in the car for the ride home. Here is a great product we found out the hard way, after we had to hand wash the interior of our car. Not only it will keep your dog safe, it will protect your rear car interior like nothing else. Get yours today and give it a try.
At FitBark, dog health and human health go hand in paw. Why? Because it’s so much more fun to get active when we do it with, and for, our dogs!
Prevention is the key to keeping not only yourself and your family safe during warmer weather but also your dog that really depends on you.
Please share this article with all your friends, so every dog can stay healthy and happy this summer.
For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.